Monday, May 4, 2015

Also took in a couple of Chateaus!

After a long week of talking to myself and a lot of rain, I decided it was time for a tour. I spent Saturday at a couple of chateaus - as you do when you're in France!

Chateau un - Vaux le Vicompte 

This chateau was built by Louis XIV's Finance Minister - Nicolas Foquet. He was aided by André le Notre and Charles Le Brun to create the gardens. Story has it that Louis modeled Versailles after this chateau but also imprisoned Foquet for spending his money on such a place. At one point they believed that Foquet was the Man in the Iron Mask as he was arrested by d'Artagnan (whose story is far more boring that the movies make it out to be) but it was later disproved.

Chateau deux - Fontainebleau

This is where the royals would hang out when they needed an escape from the city. It was primarily used as a hunting "lodge." The tour includes Napolean's, the Pope (Pius VII), the Grand and petites apartements. If you like decorated rooms, it's worth the visit. It also has several gardens though in a shocking development, it was raining so not as nice as I would have liked!


  1. Love the blog, Josie! I discovered if you click on the photos, you get to see them full size and they are super photos. Can't wait to read more!

  2. Great pics! Haha...make sure you don't slack off and keep them coming! :P

  3. Beautiful pics and loving the blog!
