Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A day at the lake

In Berlin it is very popular to head out to the lakes for the day – granted more so in the summer than the winter! They are easily accessible by public transit and are pretty much considered part of the city though you feel like you are million miles away while you are there.

A colleague of mine had invited me for a traditional Bavarian breakfast – Weisswurst (with beer of course!) – with his family. This traditional Bavarian breakfast, includes boiled sausages served with sweet mustard, freshly baked pretzels and a Weissbier (wheat beer, but be careful, weissbier does not mean the same thing everywhere in Germany). The sausages are white and you remove the casings before eating. Traditionally they were served as breakfast because the meat wouldn’t keep so you had to eat them shortly after they were made.

Following the meal, we decided some exercise was probably warranted so headed to the aforementioned lakes. We did the entire length of the bigger one before we paused for a refreshing beverage 😊 I have to say, I was completely surprised to see people skating and playing hockey. While the temperatures get below zero here I really didn’t think it was cold enough to freeze the lake the amount necessary to skate on it . . .or maybe the Germans are far more adventurous!

Maybe there will be a post on the lakes again when the weather is better!

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